Projects & Collaborations

Life Skills

Under the initiative “Life Skills Training to Promote Health”, in collaboration with ASL 11 in Empoli, since 2014 we have been organizing the training for teachers on all levels, from kindergarten to high school.


PromoCultura has organized the 2017 edition of Museomix which took place at MMAB in Montelupo fiorentino. Museomix represents a way to rethink the concepts of museum, collection, of physical and virtual spaces. It is also a way to look at the cultural assets displayed in our museums, archives and libraries with different eyes. A new gaze embracing every corner of the museum and offering visitors a new, interactive interpretation of our heritage. On Sunday November 12th, 2017 the whole town finally got the chance to try the innovative prototypes created by 18 museomixers during their three-day full immersion.


The Storytellers Project is a library service that brings parents together with their families for a remote reading experience. Children use Storybell the Robot to communicate with adults who want to read to them. Storybell transmits the adults’ reading and projects on the walls pictures illustrating the story that is being read.
PromoCultura has actively taken part in the field trials of this project across our region, organizing work groups and moments of discussion.

Nel/Col/Dal Paesaggio di Leonardo

Educational initiative within the project alternating school and work developed by MUSEIA-Museum Culture Workshop of the University of Pisa in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Empolese Valdelsa. Scientific director prof. Antonella Gioli. PromoCultura, in charge of the organizational secretariat managing the events commemorating the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death for the Union of Municipalities, has collaborated with local museums and supported the scientific committee in organizing the events calendar.

Il MAAM dei desideri

PromoCultura has taken part in the 2019 edition of the Cultural Workshops, promoted by Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, with a social engagement project aimed at the visitors of Museo Archeologico e Arte della Maremma in Grosseto. We organized training for the museum employees, created a social media community and upgraded the equipment for remote learning and customer assistance.

Il CoccoMiao alla scoperta dell'Empolese Valdelsa

La Collana “Il CoccoMiao alla scoperta dell’Empolese Valdelsa” si propone di valorizzare il territorio toscano dell’Empolese Valdelsa e di diffondere la conoscenza del patrimonio artistico, turistico e culturale del territorio con una modalità innovativa. Attraverso la narrazione in Comunicazione Aumentativa e Alternativa, il paesaggio e i centri culturali più famosi saranno raccontati alle scuole della nostra comunità e ai piccoli viaggiatori in vacanza con le loro famiglie. Grazie al sostegno della Fondazione CR Firenze entro il 2024 saranno pubblicati i primi tre volumi dedicati a Empoli, Vinci e Certaldo.